Oliver Stalba-Smith Oliver Stalba-Smith

Unpacking ‘Adventure.’

…we’re curious to know, what does adventure mean to you?

…and hi from us!

Welcome to the Fly South Blog! A place we hope to fill with musings, travel tips, and the odd story from us. To kick things off we’re unpacking the word adventure, and what it means to us as a couple.

For me, I used to play things safe. As a kid we would go fishing or camping with family, however with time I slowed on outdoor activities and never rushed to get involved…

..It wasn’t until one day at a friends hens party in Canada, she insisted she wanted to do an outdoor activity with the girls and white water rafting was her choice. Now, I’m not going to downplay this, I was TERRIFIED (like, shit scared!), yet I did it, and learned there is nothing like the rush of the guide screaming ‘paddle harder,’ as the raft weaves its way through the rapids, avoiding fallen trees. I got out of that raft having had the time of my life, ending with such a buzz that I wanted to go back to the start and do it all again. It stretched me to question my capabilities and the allowing of a little fear being worth it in my life.

Another experience was one Oliver and I had together, hiking a mountain in Snowdonia, UK. Oliver was working with The North Face in London and they had organised a group hike, so naturally we jumped at the opportunity! We hiked our way up and as we got to the peak of the mountain very suddenly the mist and fog blew in quickly all around us. We were grateful to have guides who were kitted out and knew their way, but the narrow paths we walked around on the side of cliff faces, only being able to see one step in front were fear inducing on a different level.

There’s exhilaration in your body when you achieve something like this and these two experiences expanded my adventure capacity tenfold. Have you ever felt though that the word adventure can also be defined by other more ‘lowkey’ activities as well? To me it’s about that feeling of freedom, exploring, and almost a lightness in the chest to be doing something that lights me up more than the day to day.  

If you see us use the word ‘adventure’ a lot at Fly South, we really don’t mean fear inducing, bouldering without ropes vibes all the time. We’re channelling that feeling.

Whether it’s: a brisk ocean dip - exploring a neighbouring suburb - going for a drive to find a new hiking spot - digging through one of those really great collectables stores - wandering the local streets with coffees and a camera at the hip - or perhaps a quick weekend away trying your hand at camping. We’re up for it!


So, we’re curious to ask you, what does adventure mean to you? We’d love to hear from you!

Live life your way!


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